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R8 SLIDING Gate Page

The driving force behind your gate.

Click on the links below to find more about Sliding Gate Drives supplied by Gate Drive Solutions.

Automatic Sliding Gate Driveway Gate Systems are best suited to sites with level surface and used when there is limited space, or where upward sloping driveways make swing gates impractical.

Paved, concrete or asphalt (with a suitable concrete foundation) driveways that provide a clear surface for the gate guide rail track to be mounted onto is best.

Gravel driveways are not suited as the gravel builds up on the gate guide rail track which interrupts the Sliding Gate Operation.

Common problems experienced when this happens is that the auto reverse sensor will be activated as the automated gate thinks it is hitting an object, resulting in the gate reversing itself back into the open position.

This will then compromise the expected security of the premises as the gate automation logic controller will hold the gate open until the obstacle is cleared to minimise further long-term damage to the sliding gate operator.

Types of Sliding Gate Drive Systems:
TAU Systems

12V dc, 100% duty cycle
230V ac, 40% duty cycle
  •  Opening Speeds from 175mm and up to 233mm per second
  •  Optical Encoder Technology or Limit Switches
  •  Battery Back-up in the event of a power failure on 12V dc systems
  •  Manual Release in the event of a power failure, all models



Sliding Gate Automation